That's an interesting suggestion. I could see a few experiments trying to test that. There has been experiments on the behavioural effect of language but not on this idea I think.

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Gustavo: What is cynical about that view?

GPT-3.5: The cynical view presented in the essay suggests that the author's ability to be more honest when speaking in a less familiar language may not be due to the language itself, but rather to the unfamiliar reward landscape that they have not yet learned to navigate. In other words, the cynic would argue that the author's honesty is not a result of speaking in a less familiar language, but rather a result of not yet knowing how to present themselves in a positive light in that language. This view suggests that the author's honesty may be more of an unintended consequence rather than a deliberate choice, which challenges the author's argument that speaking a less familiar language can be a way to keep oneself honest.

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